Why Am I Strong?

We present this work in honor of the 100th anniversary of the poet’s death.

Narcisa Amália
1856 – 1924


You will say that it is false. It is not right. I descend
To the depths of my soul every time I hesitate…
Every time a tear or a scream
Betrays my anguish – when I feel myself fainting…
And all astonishment, all love, I confess,
The threshold of this blessed country
I cross : – The parties of infinity await me!
The horror of life, dazzled, I forget!
It’s just that there are valleys, skies, heights inside,
That the gaze of the world does not tarnish, the tender
Moon, flowers, dear creatures,
And it sounds in every bush, in every cave,
The symphony of eternal passion!…
– And behold- make me strong again for the fight.

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